There are a few top tier corporate tools that are very pricey and come with all sorts of benefits; then there’s a middle tier coming about that has capabilities around integration, throw and catch events; then the lowest is a partial BPMN implementation that is using BPMN as a booster to get attention. It’s basically a form workflow paradigm, and often based on a common Microsoft capability/stack. Things are starting to commoditise now (refer Gartner’s hype graph) which is good news for buyers. We’re largely past the hype and “trough of disillusion” Gartner talks about. The issue now is which players will survive. Who’s got the backing; how strong the companies are in order to survive competition; who’s got the edge in usability and support; and of course who’s got the edge in marketing and sales. I did a comparison of over thirty BPMN platforms about four years ago (as The Process Expert –, but things have changed, although the main ones survive. 

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Steve Barnes
The Process Expert
mob +61 483 891 835