I’ve been watching a video on modelling approach for Enterprise Business Architecture. The presenter comes from a university research background. It’s refreshing to see someone who understands this territory well presenting on this subject matter. To me, it’s not rocket science; it’s intuitive at this stage, but I must remember it took me years to consume and interpret the background knowledge to come to the same conclusions as this presenter. I’ve designed EA frameworks and customised modelling tools.

The assertions the presenter makes in this video can apply to any modelling tool; provided it has the capability. Half way through this video, the modelling approach is discussed. The presenter evaluates the value of an intuitive approach vs adopting an incoming expert’s approach vs an outcome based, iterative approach. It’s very good.

There are a number of reasons why organisations find themselves needing to consider this subject matter:

  • you’re stuck in Visio or Word
  • you use whiteboard images
  • you’re taking diagrams from meetings and putting them in a tool, but there’s no multi-dimensional context*
  • you’re using an older tool that’s stagnated, and can’t see a way forward

If you would like to discuss how your business should model, first of all at a tool agnostic level, concentrating on maturely representing business strategy and operations, please give me a call. I can spend a day with your executive team, helping you to understand this territory and formulate a way forward. 

Steve Barnes
The Process Expert
0423 311 839

* relating back to Zachman’s WHO, HOW, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and importantly WHY!

#MDA #EA #businessarchitecture #processmanagement #enterprisearchitect #bpmn #OMG #UML

hello, and


I appeciate your contact and will call soon

Steve Barnes
The Process Expert
mob +61 483 891 835