Enter Edgy
Edgy is an enterprise scale framework that glues things together. It has perspectives
EDGY Facets
Facets provide useful lenses to understand why an enterprise exists, what it is supposed to deliver to whom, and how all of this is supposed to work. Each Facet represents a fundamental big picture question behind an enterprise as your ambitious entrepreneurial project:
EDGY Elements
Using the Enterprise Design Facets and their Intersections as a navigation aid, EDGY allows practitioners to chart the Enterprise Elements that make the enterprise.
Enter SAFe Agile
In the Age of Digital, every business is a software business. Agility isn’t an option, or a thing just for technical teams, it is a business imperative. —Dean Leffingwell, Creator of SAFe
SAFe Organisational Agility
SAFe helps businesses address these challenges with Organizational Agility, which is expressed in three dimensions
LAF Architecture
LAF builds Business Architecture Over Time
"Reference Architecture as a set of capabilities of the Application environment is the goal for architectural changes. Each Application implementation should bring the whole environment closer to achieving this goal."

What Frameworks Do You Use?

Frameworks are constantly evolving, and some good ones are relatively new, like the ones cited here. 

What frameworks do you use?  Why not tell me on the contact form below, or interact with me on LinkedIn.

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Steve Barnes
The Process Expert
mob +61 483 891 835